Sunday, October 7, 2007

The Cost of Snoring? About $32.50

I went to a Reiki practitioner today. I didn't really know what to expect, but I shelled out some cash for it. I thought, "It couldn't hurt". And it didn't. All that really happened was that, as he passed his hands over my body, his hands got extremely hot when he was over my heart and my stomach! The heat penetrated my jeans and my sweatshirt. I supposed that I paid to be energetically violated.

There was only one point where I felt uncomfortable. He was seated behind me while I was lying on the massage table and he put his hands on my clavicle and under my neck. I could hear him breathing. At first he took a couple of deep semi-quiet breaths. Then he began to breath even more loudly with each breath. Then he began SNORING, people!! My practitioner fell asleep on me! Apparently, he had done more people than usual in one day. Great. He wasn't your typical energy worker, either. I mean, he looks like his tattooed body, bald head, and goatee came riding in on a Harley singing "YMCA". Maybe he did. I don't really know. All I do know is that HE FELL ASLEEP on me.

When it was over he mentioned that he felt that I got a lot of healing after he woke up and got his second wind. I reminded him that I paid for the first wind, too. He tried to make up for it by claiming that I had gotten a great deal of healing today. This was supposedly demonstrated by the large amount of heat that I sucked out of his body. I suppose he thinks it's my fault he fell asleep then - being all greedy and hogging all his fire. I guess I am just lucky that he didn't charge me extra.

Will I go back? I doubt it. I can probably find someone else's energy to suck for free. Do I feel better? Well, due to the recent launching of Project Hot Body, I couldn't walk straight or lift my arms when I entered the office, but now I can. Does that mean anything? How the heck should I know? I am just glad that I walk like a virgin, again.

Tomorrow is my first post break-up date. Wow. Scary.

Oh, and I finally faced some of my fears and, on Thursday, I am going into the studio to record some of my songs. Wish me luck. Or don't. I don't care. I don't really need you anyways. I just want you. I want every last piece of you!


Ima Q. Minn

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