Saturday, September 8, 2007

Snow White Commits Hairy-Scary

You know, the more I thought about how distraught I was in Korea, the more I realized that poor Stephen - my ex - did the best he could. I mean, he fell in love with Snow White and ended up with the Tasmanian Devil. I am sure it was something not unlike dating Dr. Jekyll and Dr. Hyde by the end. But who was whom and when? One minute I looked at him with love and the next minute I was trying to eat him. It must have been confusing! What resources did he have to deal with something like that? He hadn't been a trainer of wild animals...or a woman, so how could he have known what was happening or how to deal with it? At this point in the process, he is absolved from any wrongdoing. Ahhh....forgiven. It feels so good. I mean, let's face it, he did what any sane person would have done - he kicked me to the curb. Yeah, of course it still hurts, but, in all reality, it wasn't what he signed on for. He didn't want to date the Taz anymore and Snow White was just buried somewhere under all that hair with no depilator or epilator in sight. There was no more joking and singing in the forest with birds and squirrels flitting there were sharp teeth and hair balls to deal with. I am guessing that's not hot. And if he had fallen in love with that, then it probably wouldn't have lasted anyways because that's not the person I have chosen, and worked so hard, to become. So, all in all, no matter how many ways you slice it, it's still the same hunk of cheese, and I'm still lactose intolerant.

Humbly yours,

Ima V. Nekk

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Life isn't fair. Things happen that are out of our control. Commitment means you eat pooh and LIKE it!!! You didn't do anything wrong, knuckle head didn't have the stones to buck up.